Go to the Info Hub login page.
Enter your HECA account email address and click the "Forgot your Username or Password?" link. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Contact hecaoffice@hecaonline.org if you've forgotten your HECA account email address.
Email hecaoffice@hecaonline.org.
Updated directions coming soon!
This information will be udpated soon!
Updated directions coming soon!
Members in good standing are encouraged to share their professional association with HECA by using HECA logos on their website, social media accounts, printed and electronic materials, and email signature blocks.
To select and download logos, go to the Info Hub Resources tab and choose the “HECA Logos” folder. If you have questions, send an email to hecaoffice@hecaonline.org with the words HECA Logo in the subject line.