
Member Application Details

Woman smiling across a table in a room full of people.

HECA membership includes independent education consultants from a variety of backgrounds who are serving college-bound students across the globe.


We look forward to receiving your application and inviting you to join our community!


Helpful Application Details

The application requires documents to be uploaded with it. The online application form cannot be saved while in progress; before you begin, please review the important information below and collect any required documentation.

1.  You will be asked several questions to confirm your membership eligibility and your understanding of the expectations for members and HECA's Standards and Ethics Statement. Please review this information before beginning the application. 

2.  You will be required to upload documentation with the application. 

·      Evidence of completion of highest degree and, if appropriate, a copy of an approved certificate program.

·      You must provide the name and email address for your professional reference(s) who can attest to your professional work ethic and pathway.

3. You will need a credit card to pay the membership dues before submitting the application. There is an option to pay by check, but your application will not be processed until the check has been received. 

Annual Dues

You will be asked to pay your dues for the coming membership year online by credit card when you submit your application. If you are not accepted for membership, this amount will be refunded.


You may apply for membership at any time during the year, but your membership dues will only cover the current membership year. Our membership year runs from March 1 to February 28/29. 


Those who join HECA between December 1 and February 28 will receive membership through the rest of the current membership cycle plus the next membership cycle (up to 15 months).

  • Member: $450
  • Provisional Member: $450
  • Retired Member: $35
  • Student Affiliate: $140 

Application Review Process

An application is not complete until all supporting documentation is received. Once complete, the application review will take approximately 21 business days, and the director of membership will email you when a decision has been made.


If you have questions, email

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